Two new audiobooks

2 SFH books

I have two of my books newly out in audiobook format and I’m so excited. The books are somewhat different in style and content.

Lovers in Their Fashion is – according to my editor at Mandrill Press – deliciously romantic, delightfully amusing and explicitly sexual. Ooh 🙂

The brilliant narrator Missy Cambridge certainly brings out the humor in this extract, when Merrill is describing what she loves about her new man, Bolivian Tony Frejus – and, in particular, which bit of him she likes most (oolalaa)

Find the book on Audible here in the USA and here for the UK.

The Transformation of David is somewhat different because: it’s a gender swap story (but with a twist); it’s shorter than Lovers in Their Fashion, which is a full length romance; and it’s a lot more outspoken, sexually speaking. You can find a snatch (yes, yes, I know and it’s appalling but I just couldn’t resist the pun) here. 

The book itself is on Audible here in the USA and here for the UK.

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